4 Kid Friendly Recipes 2024

Unboxed Words

4 Kid Friendly Recipes 2024

Yummy Golden Pancakes

Yummy Golden Pancakes

Me and my family make pancakes a lot and we usually use these ingredients.

  • Multi-purpose flour

  • About 1-2 eggs

  • 1 Cup of milk

  • And sometimes chocolate chips

And let that sit on the pan or the pancake maker until golden brown.

Some toppings that we use are.

  • Maple Syrup

  • Honey

  • And sometimes Whipped Cream

  • And sometimes Strawberry Syrup

  • And sometimes Chocolate Syrup.

Or we just use a pancake mix.

Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Milkshakes

Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Milkshake

Now I’ve never made a milkshake before and I have been begging my parents to let me make A MilkShake. But I do know how to make them. Just follow the instructions.

  • Pick an Ice Cream of any kind. My personal favorite is Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough

  • Put the Ice Cream in the blender

  • Then add some milk

  • Blend it all together

  • Then take it out and put it in a cup

  • Then if you want to add Whipped Cream

  • Or Chocolate Syrup

Family Friendly Easy To Make Cakes

Red velvet cake and chocolate cake

My family usually doesn't make our own cakes, we usually just use a cake mix so I’ll tell you my top five favorites.

  1. Lemon

  2. Red Velvet

  3. Chocolate

  4. Vanilla

  5. Tuxedo (Go look it up)

My Secret Recipe that is not so Secret now: HoneyButter Sauce

Homemade HoneyButter Sauce

Honeybutter cause and pancakes

To make this sweet concoction that is good for toast, pancakes, and waffles you need

  • Quarter a stick of room-temperature butter

  • Three tbs of honey

  • And four tbs of heavy cream

So these are my top five favorites. Totally off-topic but should go subscribe to my dad if you want to be a digital marketer or you are already one. Again I’ll put the link to his channel down below. And you should go and read my last article called My Thoughts on Pokémon. So it's almost the end of this article so tell me what you guys and girls would like me to write next. I would really like to know how you guys and girls like my articles.

My dad's channel-Experiment16

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